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Writer's pictureNimisha S

UGST 497: Reflection 6

My understanding of human sexuality is now deeper and more completed. Before, I was not as knowledgeable on the anatomy and physiology of the reproductive systems and my knowledge was fairly rudimentary, as it was supplied by my own research and presentations from my organization. Now, I am extremely comfortable talking and writing about human sexuality and feel prepared to study it more in-depth in the future. This experience has definitely solidified my aspirations to be a teaching assistant in graduate school. Additionally, it has emphasized the value of education to me, and I aim to be a health educator in the future.

Though this doesn't count as the public presentation, my Capstone advisor and I are hoping to present this Capstone at a conference this summer. If the abstract is accepted, I can only celebrate after the conference presentation. I might buy myself a triple chocolate fudge cake and gorge on that while posting on LinkedIn. But I will take the time to reflect over the process and consider what I can do differently to make students more comfortable about discussing sexuality. Next, I will begin applying to graduate schools (oh boy) and utilize these lessons as part of my application materials. I hope to show admissions offices that not only am I an eager learner, but an eager educator as well, wishing to make my community stronger and more empowered through programs and knowledge.

I would tell myself to take the time to properly read the textbook and don't be afraid to talk to my advisor. I was definitely shy around her in the fall semester, but really opened up in the spring semester. Additionally, I wish I had spent more time with the textbook so I could perhaps add more diagrams to the slides for students to engage with. I would tell future Teaching Scholars to have fun with their project! It may seem daunting to adapt an entire syllabus, but your advisor is there to help and mentor you and will have your back through the entire process.

I left my mark by successfully re-designing the HLTH 342- Human Sexuality course and implementing it into the curriculum at Texas A&M.

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