Feminists for Reproductive Equity and Education (F.R.E.E.):
December 2020- Present
Host meetings over reproductive justice topics, such as sex education, prison industrial complex, and birth justice, to educate members
Developed and maintained sexual health resource service for free and available to all Texas A&M students in collaboration with Emergency Contraceptives For Every Campus (EC4EC)
Designed and sponsored free reproductive health kits with Jane’s Due Process available for the entire Bryan/College Station community, especially youth ages 12-24 years
Advocated for abortion rights and reproductive rights in Texas through tabling in the MSC during the Abortion Access on Campus Week of Action
Advocated for patient advocacy for personal health in healthcare settings through Aggie WellTalk podcast
Developed and hosted programs for community including annual Condom Crawl and Sex Ed Trivia Night
Obtained deeper knowledge over reproductive justice and organizing from outside organizations through training sessions and workshops

Aggie Icers:
April 2021 – November 2021
Main liaison between Hockey team and Icers and Spirit Ice Arena and Icers
Manage, fundraise for, and increase campus presence of Icers
Run Icers recruitment August-September 2021
Aggie Icers:
Banquet Chair
April 2020 – April 2021​
Work with committee in next academic year to organize and conduct end-of-season banquet for the Texas A&M Ice Hockey team and Aggie Icers organization
Find location and reserve banquet location by February 2021, obtain food and drinks, create invitations and slideshow for event
Ensure the event is compliant with Texas A&M and the City of College Station's COVID guidelines to protect guests from an outbreak of the COVID-19 virus

Memorial Student Center (MSC) WAVES:
Marketing and Materials Representative
September 2019 – February 2020
Worked with committee to create marketing and promotional items for servant leadership conferences held in November 2019 and February 2020
Designed posters, flyers, Instagram posts, and Instagram stories to attract attention to events
Utilized Instagram event account to create marketing campaigns through posts and stories to reach target audience of students, faculty, and community members in College Station
Promote spring event on local television program in order to market to community outside of the university
Hosted tables at the Memorial Student Center to attract students to our event through small service projects or flyers